After Divorce...
Below are our articles on the subject of After Divorce. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Access Rights
Arranging visitation or contact rights between parents and children in a divorce. What options are open to a couple, what is best decided between them, and how the…...

Buying Your Ex Out of the Family Home
How to buy out your ex-partner’s share of the home in order that you can keep it should you decide to divorce. Factors that can have implications on your share of the…...

Changing Your Documentation
How changing your documentation which can also include changing your name can ensure that any joint financial agreements can be closed down providing there is no debt…...

Creating a Post-Divorce Budget
How to draw up a budget for after your divorce. What to include, how to structure it and advice on accounting and self-auditing....

Dealing with Depression After a Divorce
Depression almost inevitably follows divorce. For most people it will pass quickly, but for some it becomes difficult to shake....

Feelings of Grief After a Divorce
You will feel a whole range of emotions during and after your divorce. One of the most perplexing feelings is grief. Here's how to recognise it and how to cope with…...

Finding a New Home after Divorce
When a couple decides to divorce, one of them usually must find a new home. There are three key factors in finding a new home: finances, location and space....

Introducing New Partners to Your Kids
How good communication, patience and the continual re-inforcement of your love for your children and how much you need them are key to enabling you to make the…...

Making New Friends Following a Divorce
Going through a divorce often means losing a few friends. This article discusses how individuals affected by divorce can make some new friends, and cherish their old…...

Protecting Your Assets in a New Relationship
How it’s important to protect your own assets when embarking upon a new relationship after divorce. How legal agreements should be drawn up if you decide to live…...

Remaining Friends After a Divorce
Remaining friends with a partner throughout and after a divorce can be hard. This article offers advice on how to stay mature, patient and flexible throughout in order…...

How reaching an agreed financial settlement is the thing that stops most divorces from being concluded quickly. How many aspects must be taken into account when it…...

Short-Term Divorce Plan
Short term steps and what to plan for when divorcing. Advice on communicating with your partner, what to do about property, assets, pensions, debts, taxes and children....

Starting a New Relationship
How it is important to let go of your emotions following a divorce and how to get over that period first before even thinking about a new relationship. The healing…...

Who Gets Custody?
Deciding children’s residency (custody) in a divorce. What options are open to a couple, what is best decided between them, and how the court process works....