Helping You Through a Divorce...
Getting divorced is widely recognised as one of the most stressful times in your life. You are likely to be offered advice from many sources, and it can become very confusing as to the best options for you and your children. However, if you are equipped with unbiased details, it can enable you to make more informed choices. We hope to help you manage the process and even show you how to have fun after you're divorced.
October's Most Popular Articles...
Our Categories...
After Divorce
After Divorce: Remaining Friends After a Divorce, Finding a New Home after Divorce,...
Avoiding Divorce
Avoiding Divorce: Confronting Your Financial Problems, Restore Your Relationship,...
Considering Divorce
Considering Divorce: Unbearable In-laws: How to Survive Them,...
Dependants: Parental Alienation Syndrome, What is Family Court?, Care of the...
Facts & Figures
Facts & Figures: External Factors That Affect the Divorce Rate, Am I Statistically...
Finances: What Will Happen to Your Pension?, Paying Joint Debts, Creating a...
Getting Help
Getting Help: Citizens Advice and Law Centres, Considering Therapy Following a...
Going Through Divorce
Going Through Divorce: Changed Your Mind About a Divorce?, What is a...
New Relationships
New Relationships: When You Want to Marry Again, Living Together Agreements, What You...
Property: What to Do with the Family Home?, Talking to Your Mortgage Lender...
Separation Agreements
Separation Agreements: What a Separation Agreement Covers, Deeds of...
The Legal Process
The Legal Process: Marital and Non-marital Assets, Hiring a Solicitor, Becoming...
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