Getting Help...
Below are our articles on the subject of Getting Help. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Partner Who is Addicted to Alcohol or Drugs
How to deal with a partner who is an alcoholic or drug abuser. Includes details of relevant organisations....

Citizens Advice and Law Centres
Getting free, impartial advice on your divorce or separation from the Citizens Advice Bureau or local Law Centre. Services and information they supply, including free…...

Considering Therapy Following a Divorce
Deciding to divorce, going through a divorce and flourishing after a divorce are all emotionally trying experiences. This article discusses how attending therapy may…...

Financial Help for People on Low Incomes
What types of financial assistance are available, including legal aid, benefits and tax credits, and emergency funding....

Getting Help with Childcare Costs
Advice on getting help with child care during a divorce. Includes child minders, nurseries, benefits and tax credits available, and contacting the CSA....

Getting Help with Property
How it’s important to try to gain an understanding of what options you might have in terms of where you are going to live, once you get divorced. How these issues are…...

Hiring a Private Investigator
What a private investigator does and why you would hire one to assist you when divorcing....

Legal Assistance in Your Divorce
What solicitors provide, how to deal with them and keep your costs down. Detailed information on types and availability of legal aid. Also on barristers....

Paying Child Support
Advice on maintenance support for children of a divorcing couple. Includes options on coming to an agreement, typical amounts paid and dealing with the CSA....

Welfare Benefits
Information on the various benefits and tax credits available to a divorcee, for themselves and their children....