Below are our articles on the subject of Finances. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can You Afford a Divorce?
If you have been considering divorce you may be concerned about the financial implications, as well as the cost of the actual divorce process. Find out how divorce…...

Changing Insurance Policies Following Divorce
This article looks at the reasons behind changing or cancelling insurance and what to do in the event of divorce...

Creating a Divorce Budget
How to draw up a budget and balance sheet for yourself and to present to divorce courts. Also advice on accounting and self-auditing....

Creating a Post-Divorce Budget
How to draw up a budget for after your divorce. What to include, how to structure it and advice on accounting and self-auditing....

Divorce and Your Finances: How to Preserve Your Position
Are you worried about losing everything in your divorce? Find out how best to preserve your assets and financial situation for the future, here....

Financial Help for People on Low Incomes
What types of financial assistance are available, including legal aid, benefits and tax credits, and emergency funding....

Financial Implications of Divorce
The financial implications of divorce, including legal costs, property, money and other assets, pensions, debts and tax....

Paying Joint Debts
How it is important to prevent further spending on joint credit agreements if you intend to divorce. How you can be considered solely liable for a joint debt if the…...

Protecting Your Assets in a New Relationship
How it’s important to protect your own assets when embarking upon a new relationship after divorce. How legal agreements should be drawn up if you decide to live…...

Short-Term Divorce Plan
Short term steps and what to plan for when divorcing. Advice on communicating with your partner, what to do about property, assets, pensions, debts, taxes and children....

Welfare Benefits
Information on the various benefits and tax credits available to a divorcee, for themselves and their children....

What Will Happen to Your Pension?
How pensions can be almost as valuable (and sometimes more so) than the matrimonial home in determining the division of financial assets upon divorce. The different…...