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Can a Wife Force Her Husband to Move Out?

By: Lorna Elliott LLB (hons), Barrister - Updated: 8 Oct 2021 |
Divorce Separation Grounds Family Home


My daughter in law has decided she no longer wants to be married to my son (for no good reason other than she is fed up). They have 3 year old twins. He is a fantastic father and does not wish to leave his home (that he jointly owns) and boys. Has she the right to make him leave prior to any legal separation or divorce?

(J.S, 6 July 2009)


I was saddened to read that your son is in this situation with his wife and two young children. As for the question of whether your daughter in law has the right to tell your son to leave – the answer in short is no. Your daughter in law would need to get a solicitor, and go to court to obtain an order to force your son from the family home.

Valid Grounds for Divorce

You have mentioned that your daughter in law is merely ‘fed up’. This is not a valid ground for divorce unless your son was willing to accept that the marriage had irretrievably broken down. There are five ways that this can be proven:

  • One spouse has committed adultery
  • One spouse has behaved unreasonably
  • One spouse has deserted the other for a minimum of two years
  • Both spouses consent to separation and have remained separated for at least two years
  • One spouse has decided to separate from the other spouse (without the other’s consent) for a minimum period of five years.
As your daughter in law may soon discover, it isn’t merely a matter of becoming fed up and deciding unilaterally to bring the marriage to an end.

Children and the Family Home

If your son decided that his marriage had become unbearable so that he chose to leave voluntarily, that would not have any effect on his ownership of the property – he would still be the joint owner.

In the event that your daughter in law does decide to pursue divorce proceedings, the court has wide ranging powers in relation to visitation rights and what happens to the family home. If the worst does come to the worst, your son has legal rights in relation to maintaining contact with his two children.

Marriage Help

It may be worth suggesting (obviously without wanting to look as though you’re interfering) that your son and his wife could try to address their problems, either by approaching Relate (www.relate.org.uk) or another marriage guidance service. Using this type of service is not a sign of weakness in a marriage, rather that the two people involved are adult enough to want to work together for the sake of their marriage and their children. If your daughter in law has left it until she is ‘fed up’ with the marriage before telling your son she feels this way, they may as a couple benefit from improving the way they communicate with one another.

I really hope that your son and daughter in law can address their issues without having to resort to separation or divorce.

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Everyone loves to be a blame sayernin this crap. It took 2 to convince each other to get married..Its 2 of you that screwed it up. Back in the day it didn't matter if one or the other got caught red handed. A divorce want ever a thought. Because people had a moral respect for the vows to god that were given in holy matrimony! They may not talk to one another till the day they died. They may not sleep in the same room even...But the ring stayed on and the kids new they would always have stability and a home to run backstop if ever need be . It also left an example of what real family meant. There wasn't a back door to use as an escape because you cant just cut off family. Family sticks together no matter what. Hence the Damn Word. "Family"... Dont get married if you cant cut it. If you want out that bad kill yourself. Thats what you swore by vowing to each other and the lord when you thought yourself mature enough to go before him to be joined forever through it all. The good, the bad, the worse, and the worst. If you could eat cake for every meal and not croak by 23 we would all be sweet.. But we gotta eat the healthy flavorless or nasty foods to survive as well.. Everything is only as good as it ever was bad to be able to compare the two. The harder the effort the sweeter the reward. Ya get what you give and if it aunt good at all at least your family stays a damn family. Makes me sick what today's generation thinks a marriage is. Figure it. Leave the kids in school to learn and play boyfriend till its inconvienient let the adults act mature enough to sign on to adult behavior and understand what till death do us part means....
Missunderstood - 8-Oct-21 @ 12:41 AM
Hi. Someone I know is divorcing their husband. The husband has agreed to selling the house but claims by living there his mental health is deteriorating as is his physical. The (soon) ex wife has come up with an ideal plan to mortgage the house with her sons in it so that she can give him half the value of the house and he can leave immediately. He is refusing this plan due to pride even though he would be getting the exact same amount of money. Can the husband be forced out of the house via this method due to him causing a deterioration in many peoples mental health aswell as him staying for an increasingly ridiculous reason. Thanks
Conor - 19-Jan-21 @ 10:29 PM
I want to get my husband out We been married 56years he tells me I'm stupid and won't changeHow can I get him out He has money and property I don't
Frannie - 11-Nov-20 @ 12:05 PM
Hi my wife wants me out of the house today. She thinks I've been cheating on her by talking to another woman over text. I have 3 children. I have no where else to go. Can she throw me out of the house plus in the bill payer and hold a joint tenancy with the wife. Just need some advice
Bones - 14-Aug-20 @ 11:00 AM
My husband and I have been married for 6 years now and we just had a baby girl 6 months ago, I moved from Japan over to the U.K. to be with him, so all my family are in Japan, all his family are around here, we were great together had a lot of small problems, but we have gone through it and we have been through a lot, but he is a gambler, he has always been gambling behind my back and hiding it from me and lying to me, until he really messed up, with debts and credit cards bills and he has been asking money from me over and over and over again, especially I was 9 months pregnant and he told me he needs money advise the bank will contact him tomorrow, and this has happened a few times, to the point I can’t do it anymore, in my mind I’m always worried about his gambling issues, and we have a daughter now I want to protect her from it, even tho he says he has stopped gambling, he said that to me many times in the past tho, didn’t stop him anyway. The fight and argument we have during pregnancy and after pregnancy has really stressed me out big time, I would like separation with him, he won’t leave, I bought the house, But it’s in both our name, he pays the bills, I pay mortgage and I paid deposit, everything came out of my bank account, what’s the best way for me to protect myself and my daughter? Can you help please?
Sally - 10-Aug-20 @ 10:18 PM
My husband and I have been married for 6 years now and we just had a baby girl 6 months ago, I moved from Japan over to the U.K. to be with him, so all my family are in Japan, all his family are around here, we were great together had a lot of small problems, but we have gone through it and we have been through a lot, but he is a gambler, he has always been gambling behind my back and hiding it from me and lying to me, until he really messed up, with debts and credit cards bills and he has been asking money from me over and over and over again, especially I was 9 months pregnant and he told me he needs money advise the bank will contact him tomorrow, and this has happened a few times, to the point I can’t do it anymore, in my mind I’m always worried about his gambling issues, and we have a daughter now I want to protect her from it, even tho he says he has stopped gambling, he said that to me many times in the past tho, didn’t stop him anyway. The fight and argument we have during pregnancy and after pregnancy has really stressed me out big time, I would like separation with him, he won’t leave, I bought the house, But it’s in both our name, he pays the bills, I pay mortgage and I paid deposit, everything came out of my bank account, what’s the best way for me to protect myself and my daughter? Can you help please?
Sally - 9-Aug-20 @ 11:50 PM
@serena 15-5-2020, funny enough I am going through the exact thing I am so tired of it all, he wouldnt move out, to give me some space he is.nlg working I am the breadwinner he does help with the kids, but I find him soo negative gets me down...and currently in a relationship on paper where my loneliness is so much I am feeling really low but also I refuse to just stay with someone.because they are being difficult and won't accept that everyone changes ...
Lrach - 29-Jul-20 @ 10:04 PM
I'm married since 14 years, with 3 children age 13, 11 and 4. Our relationship with my husband deteriorated over the last couple of years. He is emotionally unavailable, we have different priorities in life, he is utterly arrogant and rude, and we have completely different views and approach in raising the children. After years of having a full time job and running the whole family and household, I had enough, also found myself starting to have feelings for someone else now. We talked about separation and divorce with my husband, he went through angry phase, then sad phase, now pretty much all he thinks about is financials. He has no friends and not in touch with his family, and I think he realized that he'd lose the kids not only me (I don't think he ever really loved me anyhow but does say he loves the kids). If we divorce, how is it decided, who keeps the children? Do the kids have a say in this? Since months now, he is bribing the children with all sorts. He was basically a guest in our life for 13 years, only realized the last year that he also has parental responsibilities. He is very smart though, and I'm so afraid of going into a divorce 'war' with him that considering now staying in this marriage even though I feel physically and mentally unwell if I'm in the same room with him for more than a minute.
Serena - 15-May-20 @ 2:58 PM
My husband and I have been married 15 years , we have 5 children , he has always been controlling , but recently he’s got very spiteful , he tells me he don’t love us , he hates his life with us , he wishing he never sees us again , I tell him to go but he don’t , and I can’t leave as have no where to go with 5 kids , for the past 2 weeks I’ve worked 40 hours a week and when ever I come home to sleep , he wakes me up and disturbs my sleep , I’m physically and emotionally tired in our relationship , now tonight knowing I’ve done a 12 hour shift today and have another tomorrow he’s let me drop off to sleep to wake me moaning and swearing telling me again he hates this life he’s slamming kitchen doors , my question is how the hell do I get out of this before it becomes violent , am I better to take the children to a hostel , or is there a quick way I can get him to go legally Pls help ????
Fi - 27-Feb-20 @ 12:59 AM
My wife and I are experiencing extreme marital problems. We were married in August 2018 and moved into our house in November 2018. We had a baby boy in June 2019 and since, she has become cold and distant. In October 2019, after a week or so of quite heated and nasty arguments, she moved out to her parents and took our baby with her. She refuses to let me see my son alone and will only let me see him at her parents house. At the time she left, I behaved in an angry manner (verbal, not physical). She said that I needed counseling for my anger, which I did and I was also diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression by the doctor and am on medication for this. She now says that she needs to move back into the house and that she’s to frightened of me for me to stay there too, meaning I have to move out, even though I moved away from my family home to be with her and now have nobody to stay with as the only people I know up here are her family. She’s also talking about divorce. My question is, does she have a right to stop me living in my own home, to stop me seeing my son and can she go ahead and get a divorce even if I don’t want one (I believe that she is suffering with post natal anxiety and isn’t thinking rationally at this moment in time).
Jimmy - 10-Feb-20 @ 3:06 PM
My husband is an alcoholic and is getting worse. We've been married for 18 years and yelling him we're finished doesn't seem to bother him (he's too into his drink now).He is wearing me down and I'm constantly crying and fed up with life.Can I get him to leave the house.It is rented as me as the lead tenant, he was added onto the tenancy for insurance purposes, I think. I just can't take it anymore.I dare not leave the house as he has nearly set the place on fire due to cooking bacon in a pan and falling asleep (I just came home in time).I'm at my wits end with it all now.My life is in ruins and I don't even drink (only socially and rarely), he drinks in the house and I find all the hidden bottles. Can I get him out before one of us kills the other (which I have most definitely felt like doing a few times as he is verbally very abusive.
Nads - 6-Oct-19 @ 10:40 AM
Hi I have 4 children and married and live in housing association property 2 of my children are not my husbands we have constant arguments and he is very hurt full I feel I and stuck in a hole and can’t leave as I will have no where to live my son will stay with his dad but my 3 daughters will come with me my marriage is over but we are kidding ourselves what are my right or what path can I take many thanks
Tee - 16-Jul-19 @ 6:00 PM
My wfe and i have been married for just a year but have been together for 6. we are allways rowing. the property we both live in is council i pay all the bills as my wife does not work as she is disabled, she shouts at me to move out and go and live with my family, What are my rights can she get me removed from the house ?
gazza - 11-Jun-19 @ 9:49 AM
Husband has always been a control freak we have been married 15years enough Iam going to divorce him we have a house in my name (owned) we rent it out and a small flat that until last November we was renting out We decided to move into the flat and renovate it we have lived there a year we are now “separated “ he has put a lock on the living room door and I have had to put a lock on the bedroom door We are now just sharing the rest of the flat this has been the case for at least a month He has emailed me saying he getting an occupation order and is going to kick me out He has cleared the joint account He has transferred money into other accounts he only gave me money when I asked he totally taken over everything financially I cannot kick the tenants out they have 2 young children he tells me to go live with them even if I could there’s no room Can he get this order with no proof? He now says Iam the one who is abusing him that I’ve been physically abusive to him He already changed the locks when all this came to a head I had to get the police to get me in Please anyone any advice or been in a similar position? Thanks lilly
Lilly - 5-Nov-18 @ 6:07 PM
Been married 10 months, SADLY 8 months has been constant fighting he has a daughter from previous relationship and discusses our relationship with the mother of his child. I own the home and did so before our marriage. He contributes rent and bill money. He claims that he has legal rights to my home is this correct? Can i ask him to leave? Do i have to serve notice? I would prefer my marriage to work but he refuses marriage guidance. At present he stops in the small room and we keep out of each others way he claims i cannot ask him to leave for at least 6 months?
Jules - 1-Nov-18 @ 11:55 PM
My son was asked to leave the matrimonial home 2.5 years ago after 25 years marriage he has two children aged 7 and 11. They stayed with his wife.He continues to pay the mortgage and expenses. He pays her money each week for herself and the children. They are now going to sell the house. Should He split everything 50/50 with her. Does he have to support her after the divorce.
Ginny - 29-Oct-18 @ 3:05 PM
Hello. My wife and I have been married for 6 years with a 5 year old daughter.Over the last year things have broken down to the point that she is demanding I leave the house. We have been in a cycle where she wants me to leave, then wants to try again, then wants me to leave...The bad times are becoming more frequent and more vitriolic.The good times are generally started by a request for me to take us on holiday or pay for car repairs or buy new furniture.When we met we both owned our own homes but she was struggling to meet the mortgage payments. She sold her house, moved in with me, we married, had a child and moved to a different house with shared ownership.I then spent £45K putting an extension on the house only to be told just before it was finished that the relationship was over.You can imagine from this that i do have a suspicion that I have been used but I genuinely think this isn't the case.We have different approaches to life, my wife won't go into debt but would spend every penny she had whilst I am more conservative and want to plan for the future.We are older parents (mid 40s) and are likely to be supportingour daughter into retirement if she continues in education through to a degree. My wife has stated that she is depressed and that I am the main cause of it. She won't seek professional help as if I just go everything will be better!She wants me to move out immediately but to continue to pay all of the existing household expenses including food, utilities, clothing etc.Her constant threat is that if I don't do this she will make access to our daughter as difficult as possible and "ensure our daughter knows how bad a person I am". If I do move out I will be paying child maintenance, this is not an issue, and will likely continue to pay the mortgage.I am pretty much resigned to, in the short term at least, paying some of the household bills. Anyway, my questions are:- 1)Should I be transferring all the bills into her name then just paying her a set amount each month? 2)My wife has access to a credit card which i pay, should I cancel that? I am in contact with a solicitor but would like some advice to, if nothing else, cut don on the legal bills. Thank you
What do I do - 11-Sep-18 @ 6:48 AM
I am a mother of 2 young children. They are both extremely challenging with a degree of issues including autism. My husband, who is in a very high powered job and who works away a lot is basically unable to cope with them. In addition to this, the nature of his job has now made him become more and more controlling. When he is away from home family life is a lot easier. When he's here despite the fact he's hardly seen us, he's very moody and aggressive. Although he's never hit me the aggression and controlling are becoming worse and he can be very rough towards the children and imo frightening. He has also on occasion smacked them. I personally don't think his parenting is acceptable but tho I've said this I have always stopped short of reporting him. He regularly shouts and swears at me and around me and the children. He undermines me and on occasion when I try and speak to him makes out it's all me and in my head. I have asked him to speak to a GP, psychologist and also suggested marriage guidance but he didn't want to know. Life is hard dealing with 2 small children with issues. When he blows up at them and takes it out on me, which often happens,he forgets I too am living with it aswell as him and his moods and temper. I have tried for years to fix it but I really think we're at the end of the line. I really don't want to live the rest of my life like this.I have pretty much made up my mind we're over. He has admitted things arent good but seems to thinks its temporary and we'll 'get our lives back' at some stage. I just cant see a future and I have now also committed adultery. I alwats believed children were better in a 2 parent family but my children often shout at me the sane way he does and i see the negative impact its having. I really just want to move on with my children and be happy. We've spoke briefly in past....well I have...about separation but he didn't want to know and has said he's not leaving me and our children and if I want to go I can but I'm not taking the children either. I don't work and I'm primary carer! On account of my work status I really don't know what to do? Leave? Stay? Try and encourage him to go.....in addition I don't know my rights. We have a fairly large house with a large degree of equity and a mortgage with only a few years to run....but without a job and nowhere to go I don't even know where to start.....help!!
Sad mum - 20-Aug-18 @ 4:23 PM
AS - Your Question:
I am a 51 year old mum of three. My marriage is having difficulties as my husband for the last five years has in my opinion suffering from depression and behaves unreasonably and has anger management issues. He has had several major anger outbursts and the last two in front of my 11 yearold daughter who is now quite scared. The last one happened about a week ago and I packed my bag and have moved out. I told him to leave but he refuses. He now does nothing at home, doesn't cook for the kids, doesn't clean, doesn't spend any time with my young daughter. He just goes to work and comes home and sits in front of the tv or laptop. I'm worried my kids are not being looked after. I need to move back in and he needs to move out. Is there any way that I can make him? 15 years ago he had an affair but ended it as he didn't want to loose the kids and the depression and anger started as a result of that.

Our Response:
If you are married, you are entitled to move back into your family home. Your only option is to push him towards mediation (as a way of negotiating a separation) or court. You can only apply for an occupation order to the home if you are the victim of domestic violence. You may wish to seek legal advice in order to explore your options.
DivorceResource - 16-Aug-18 @ 9:50 AM
I am a 51 year old mum of three.My marriage is having difficulties as my husband for the last five years has in my opinion suffering from depression and behaves unreasonably and has anger management issues.He has had several major anger outbursts and the last two in front of my 11 yearold daughter who is now quite scared.The last one happened about a week ago and I packed my bag and have moved out.I told him to leave but he refuses.He now does nothing at home, doesn't cook for the kids, doesn't clean, doesn't spend any time with my young daughter.He just goes to work and comes home and sits in front of the tv or laptop.I'm worried my kids are not being looked after.I need to move back in and he needs to move out.Is there any way that I can make him?15 years ago he had an affair but ended it as he didn't want to loose the kids and the depression and anger started as a result of that.
AS - 15-Aug-18 @ 11:19 AM
Dave- Your Question:
My wife and I haven't been getting on recently and she decided to go to see a friend in Wales for a couple of days. Then she sent me a message that she was seeing her parents for a couple of days. 3 weeks later she has told me to move out. We have been together for 17 1/2 years and married for 13 years. The house is in her name as are the bill's. In the last 5 years she has been diagnosed with autism. However for a long time she was very depressed. I had to give my job to take care of her. I am now on benefits as a carer. I get carers allowance but all of my income support goes to her. Has she the right to evict me, and do I have any rights.

Our Response:
Even if you are not married, but you are not a legal owner of the home i.e. your name is not on the title deeds, you can register your right to possession of the property and your interest in it by entering a Home Rights Notice at the Land Registry. The link here, should also help answer your question. Due to the length of your marriage you will have rights. If you cannot agree a fair split of the property between you (you may wish to seek professional legal advice in order to establish what this would be), then the matter would have to be referred to court and the basis of the split would be determined by each person's needs. However, if the matter goes to court it will cost. Therefore, it is better if you can negotiate between you or via mediation.
DivorceResource - 14-Aug-18 @ 11:52 AM
My wife and I haven't been getting on recently and she decided to go to see a friend in Wales for a couple of days. Then she sent me a message that she was seeing her parents for a couple of days. 3 weeks later she has told me to move out. We have been together for 17 1/2 years and married for 13 years.The house is in her name as are the bill's. In the last 5 years she has been diagnosed with autism.However for a long time she was very depressed. I had to give my job to take care of her. I am now on benefits as a carer. I get carers allowance but all of my income support goes to her. Has she the right to evict me, and do I have any rights.
Dave - 13-Aug-18 @ 2:42 PM
Pango- Your Question:
Hi lm 57 years old and l was living with my wife last 12 years since 2006. We had married on 2012 april she had divorce before and she has 2 kids both adult age of 21-25. She got her house from her divorce maintanance in 2003. After married,her kids discliked me as a step dad. To many traubles they have caused with police calls. This year my wife acted very odd and on 29 of march 2018 she and her doughter forced me to leave home out. Since we are living a part now. But last year before l concerned for my safety then gone to solicitor made a HR1 form to protect my home rights so far. Now she wants me to lift HR1 form from me badly. But l refused. If we go for devorce do l have financial rights on property?how much? House price was £200000 pound on 2007. Now £500000 pound cash no mortgage. Please please let me have bit idea Thank you for all who is going to help to my matter so far. Best Regards.

Our Response:
If the house is in your ex's name and was owned by her before your marriage it will be treated as a pre-marital asset. In most pre-marital asset cases (if the marriage is short), then the property would return to your ex. However, if you can prove you have contributed to the property in terms of refurbishment and/or financially (when you were living together), then you may have a case. The problem with taking any matter to court, is that the cost of court and legal representation can often outweigh any financial gain. If you can agree a financial split prior to court, this may be more cost-effective. You would be advised to seek independent legal advice regarding this matter in order to fully explore your options.
DivorceResource - 3-Aug-18 @ 10:30 AM
Hi lm 57 years old and l was living with my wife last 12 years since 2006. We had married on 2012 april she had divorce before and she has 2 kids both adult age of 21-25. She got her house from her divorce maintanance in 2003.After married,her kids discliked me as a step dad. To many traubles they have caused with police calls. This year my wife acted very odd and on 29 of march 2018 she and her doughter forced me to leave home out. Since we are living a part now. But last year before l concerned for my safety then gone to solicitor made a HR1 form to protect my home rights so far. Now she wants me to lift HR1 form from me badly. But l refused. If we go for devorce do l have financial rights on property?how much? House price was £200000 pound on 2007. Now £500000 pound cash no mortgage. Please please let me have bit idea Thank you for all who is going to help to my matter so far. Best Regards.
Pango - 2-Aug-18 @ 10:36 AM
Cdw - Your Question:
I have been with my wife for 11 years and married for the last 2. She told me this week she was leaving me but wouldnt let me have a divorce. As far as I know there has been no cheating involved but she is known by myself and even her family for thinking the grass is always greener. We have a young son and I have a teenage stepson. I pay for pretty much everything as she has spent the last couple of years at uni and still has another year to go. Where do I stand? Most importantly with my son but also financially as I am paying off debts that she got us before we were married “not paying council tax and not paying car insurance when she said she was” are just a couple of examples. If we remain married am I then liable for any other debts she gets? Any advice would be appreciated not just on the financial issues I am a bit lost at the moment and dont really have anyone I can turn to.

Our Response:
When you are in a marriage, income and finances are considered joint. The link here, should explain all you need to know.
DivorceResource - 6-Jul-18 @ 3:15 PM
I have been with my wife for 11 years and married for the last 2. She told me this week she was leaving me but wouldnt let me have a divorce. As far as i know there has been no cheating involved but she is known by myself and even her family for thinking the grass is always greener. We have a young son and i have a teenage stepson. I pay for pretty much everything as she has spent the last couple of years at uni and still has another year to go. Where do i stand? Most importantly with my son but also financially as i am paying off debts that she got us before we were married “not paying council tax and not paying car insurance when she said she was” are just a couple of examples. If we remain married am i then liable for any other debts she gets? Any advice would be appreciated not just on the financial issues i am a bit lost at the momentand dont really have anyone i can turn to.
Cdw - 4-Jul-18 @ 2:14 PM
mandy walker - Your Question:
My civil partner of 6 years is mentally damaged from childhood and this has ruined our partnership as she is so cold. I owned a large house before her and she only brought contents from her council house. she has 5 children only 1 of which is dependent financially. she works full time as I do. can I get her to leave and have a court treat my house as a non joint asset as she is financially independant and able to provide for her child?

Our Response:
The link here , will tell you all you need to know.
DivorceResource - 28-Jun-18 @ 10:40 AM
My civil partner of 6 years is mentally damaged from childhood and this has ruined our partnership as she is so cold. I owned a large house before her and she only brought contents from her council house. she has 5 children only 1 of which is dependent financially. she works full time as I do. can I get her to leave and have a court treat my house as a non joint asset as she is financially independant and able to provide for her child?
mandy - 27-Jun-18 @ 3:02 PM
@freedom2018 - she can't force you to sell unless you sign an agreement to do so. If she wanted to force it she would have to take it to court.
Bev - 8-Jun-18 @ 12:51 PM
my wife of 34 years walked out in March.unable to contact her due to court order.no children living at home.home mortgage free.can she force sale before divorce.she has not filed for a divorce yet.playing games.I don't want to get back with her.and our grown up children don't want to talk to her again because of her lies.please help.
freedom2018 - 7-Jun-18 @ 8:10 AM
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